IFALPA Daily News – 19 June 2013‏


Dear Colleagues,
The IFALPA Daily News is now available online.
Here are today’s top headlines. To read more, click on the title:
CANSO launches major initiative to improve runway safety by reducing unstable approaches
CANSO, the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation, has launched a major initiative to improve
runway safety at airports.
In Paris, Boeing unveils the 787-10 Dreamliner
Boeing today announced the 787-10 Dreamliner, the third (and longest) plane in the often-troubled
787 family, and an aircraft that the aviation giant said will be the most fuel-efficient in the industry.
EU Parliament weighs in on Flight Time Limitations debate
Members of the European Parliament (EP) have been warned that not enough has been done to
keep Europe’s sky safe and to protect the travelling public from the risks associated with aircrew
American, US Airways seek EU merger approval
US Airways and American Airlines are seeking EU antitrust approval for their planned USD$11 billion
merger, which would create the world’s largest carrier.
Delayed Berlin Airport costs Germany dear
Berlin’s new international airport should have been open for a year, but may not start operating until
2017. The cost has doubled to 4.3 billion euros, mostly due to the delays.