IFALPA Daily News – 17 September 2013‏


Dear Colleagues,
The IFALPA Daily News is now available online.
Here are today’s top headlines. To read more, click on the title:
Bombardier’s C series reaches a milestone at 12,500 feet
With the maiden flight of the C Series, Bombardier Inc. has officially ascended into commercial
airspace ferociously guarded by industry giants Airbus SAS and Boeing Co.
Germany’s controllers to walk out in protest
German air traffic controllers are to strike against Brussels’ plan to accelerate airspace
harmonisation as part of the Single European Sky programme, according to trade union
Gewerkschaft der Flugsicherung.
ICAO report highlights safety records of Africa and Asia
The International Civil Aviation Organization’s 2013 annual safety report on commercial aviation
concludes that although Africa accounts for only 5 percent of accidents recorded last year, that
region’s accidents account for 45 percent of the fatalities, more than any other area ICAO reviewed.
DOT: ATC training is still not up to snuff
An August 27 report by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Inspector General (IG) concludes
that none of the 49 suggestions related to the hiring and training of new air traffic controllers
outlined in the FAA’s independent review panel two years ago have been implemented.
Kingfisher staff plan hunger strike if dues are not paid
Kingfisher airlines staff have renewed demand for their salary dues and have threatened to launch a
hunger strike, if their demands are not met.
Stansted to cut Ryanair fees in return for more flights
Ryanair has persuaded London’s Stansted airport to cut the fees levied on the low-cost airline in
return for a promise of sharply increased flights to and from the airport in coming years.